Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Sport and Recreation at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin


Especially after listening for a long time, the concentration can increasingly be lost in order to be able to follow the learning material appropriately. With a wide variety of exercises involving movement, relaxation and coordination, the Lecture Express brings new momentum, wakes up tired minds and creates attention for the rest of the course.All videos were shot in front of the historic backdrop of the animal anatomy theater on Campus North and are available to you below:


01 Mr. Robot (strengthening)

02 ABC as easy as 123 (coordination)
03 Kopfsache (mobilization, stretching)

04 Der Strebende Schwan (mobilization, strengthening)
05 Arms & Recreation (mobilization, strengthening) 06 Gleichgewichtsheber (coordination, balance)

07 Guess who is back (mobilization, strengthening)

08 Stretch me if you can (stretching)
09 Yoga Flow (mobilization, relaxation) 10 Fight Club (strengthening, coordination)

11 Augengymnastik (relaxation)  


To download:

01 Mr. Robot (strengthening)                                      02 ABC as easy as123 (coordination)
03 Kopfsache (mobilization, stretching)                  04 Der strebende Schwan (mobilization, strengthening) 

05 Arms & Recreation (mobilization, strengthening)      06 Gleichgewichtsheber (coordination, balance)
07 Guess who´s BACK (mobilization, strengthening)     08 Stretch me if you can (stretching)
09 Yoga Flow (mobilization, relaxation)                    10 Fight Club (strengthening, coordination)
11 Augengymnastik (relaxation)



“From a sport psychological perspective, the lecture express shows a lot of potential for teaching. Body and mind are tightly linked. A break in movement not only prevents postural damage and back pain, but also activates on a cognitive level and also leads to more vitality in the head. These exercises are perfect for that and – a lot of fun in the classroom too! Movement is a great thing and if it is fun for everyone involved – even better”

(Jun.-Prof. Dr. Franziska Lautenbach, 2021)